This repository includes the source code of the tools we used in our paper accepted for ToSC 2024/1 (FSE 2024): Improved Search for Integral, Impossible Differential and Zero-Correlation Attacks: Application to Ascon, ForkSKINNY, SKINNY, MANTIS, PRESENT and QARMAv2
Our tool requires the following software:
latexmk to build the .tex
file and generate the shapes of our attacks (can be replaced by just calling lualatex directly)
Or-Tools to solve our CP models.
Many CP solvers are bundled with MiniZinc and can be used without any further installation.
We use Or-Tools as the CP solver.
Fortunately, OR Tools CP-SAT
is bundled with MiniZinc after version 2.8.0. Thus, by installing the latest version of MiniZinc, one can use OR Tools CP-SAT
without any further installation.
Additionally, we need the Python package named minizinc
to work with MiniZinc in Python.
To install the required software in Ubuntu, one can use the following commands:
apt update
apt upgrade
apt install python3-full
apt install git
apt install wget
cd /home
tar -xvzf MiniZincIDE-2.8.5-bundle-linux-x86_64.tgz
mv MiniZincIDE-2.8.5-bundle-linux-x86_64 minizinc
rm MiniZincIDE-2.8.5-bundle-linux-x86_64.tgz
ln -s /home/minizinc/bin/minizinc /usr/local/bin/minizinc
apt install python3-pip
python3 -m pip install minizinc
Our tool’s main components are the CP models saved in .mzn
format, built using the methods explained in our paper. You can solve these .mzn
files independently with MiniZinc.
To make using our tool even more convenient, we have included a Python interface for each application. Thus you’ll discover .mzn
files for each application, along with some handy Python tools.
Using our tool is straightforward. Simply specify the number of attacked rounds or the length of distinguisher and choose the solver. Our tool will then identify the attack and visualize its shape.
For a quick guide on each application, run the following command:
python3 <application_name>.py --help
We provide examples for each application below.
Assume that we want to search for a (ZC-based) integral distinguisher for SKINNY-n-3n. Navigate into this folder and run the following command:
python3 -v 3 -RD 16
The -v
switch specifies the variant of SKINNY, and the -RD
switch specifies the length of the distinguisher (see python3 distinguisher --help
The following field shows the output of running the above command on a regular laptop with an 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz
CPU and 16GB of RAM:
Searching for an attack with the following parameters
Variant: 3
RD: 16
Ri: 0
R0: 0
Skip S-box: False
CP solver: ortools
No. of threads: 8
Time limit: 4000
Elapsed time: 13.56 seconds
Distinguisher parameters:
Length of distinguisher: 16
Variant: 03
Ri: 0
R0: 0
Tweakey cells that are active at most 03 times:
As can be seen, it takes about 14 seconds to find the distinguisher.
Our tool also generates the output.tex
file which contains the shape of the distinguisher in Tikz
format. Run latexmk -pdf ./output.tex
to see the shape of the distinguisher in pdf
As another example, you can navigat into this folder and run the following command to find a 17-round integral distinguisher for ForkSKINNY-64-192:
python3 -v 3 -RD 17 -Ri 6 -R0 23
The -Ri
switch specifies the number of rounds before the fork point and the -R0
switch specifies the number of rounds in the first branch after the fork point (see python3 distinguisher --help
for more details).
The following field shows the output of running the above command:
Searching for an attack with the following parameters
Variant: 3
RD: 17
Ri: 6
R0: 23
Skip S-box: False
CP solver: ortools
No. of threads: 8
Time limit: 4000
Elapsed time: 14.43 seconds
Distinguisher parameters:
Length of distinguisher: 17
Variant: 03
Ri: 6
R0: 23
Tweakey cells that are active at most 03 times:
The following figure, generated by latexmk -pdf ./output.tex
, shows the shape of the distinguisher in pdf
To increase the confidence in the correctness of our implementations, here we generate a practical integral distinguisher for ForkSKINNY-64-192 and then verify it experimentally. For this pupose, we have provided a C++
implemenation of ForkSKINNY in this folder.
For example, to generate a practical distinguisher, run the following command:
python3 -v 3 -RD 14 -Ri 7 -R0 27
After running the above command successfully, we run latexmk -pdf ./output.tex
to get the shape of the distinguisher in pdf
format as follows:
As seen in the above figure, only one input cell (position 14) at the input state is active in the corresponding integral distinguisher.
Together with 3 active tweakey cells in position 0xf
of the 3 tweakey states, we have 4 active cells in total. Therefore, the complexity of the distinguisher is 2^16
Accordingly, we modify the main()
function in this file as follows to build a practical distinguisher:
// #############################################################################
// Number of rounds
int R = 14;
// Fork point (Rinit)
uint8_t Ri = 7;
// The length of C0 branch (R0)
uint8_t R0 = 27;
// Number of active cells in the plaintext
int nap = 1;
// Position of active cells in the plaintext
int ap[1] = {14};
// Number of active cells in tweakey
int ntk = 3;
// Position of active cells in the tweakey
int atk = 0xf;
// Number of involved cells in ciphertext
int nb = 2;
// Position of involved cells in ciphertext
int balanced_positions[2] = {3, 15};
// #############################################################################
Finally we compile and run the C++
code as follows:
The output of the above command is as follows:
[x] PRNG initialized by 4 random bytes: 0xDD70F077
Encryption and decryption are consistent. Test passed.
Number of plaintexts: 16
Target sum: 0
Random sum: 3
If you run ./check
multiple times, the Target sum
is always zero, whereas the Random sum
may vary. It confirms that our discovered integral distinguisher works in practice.
To see the source codes for QARMAv2, please refer to this repository.
Here, we provide an example of searching for a complete integral attack, by only specifying the length of the attack. Let’s say we are looking for a 23-round integral attack for ForkSKINNY-128-256. Navigate into this folder and run the following command:
python3 -v 2 -RB 1 -RD 15 -RF 7 -Ri 9 -R0 27
The parameters -RB
, -RD
, -RF
, specify the number of key recovery rounds before the distinguisher, the length of the distinguisher, and the number of key recovery rounds after the distinguisher, respectively (see python3 attack --help
for more details). The parameter -Ri
specifies the number of rounds before the fork point and -R0
specifies the number of rounds in the first branch after the fork point. The output is as follows:
Searching for an attack with the following parameters
Variant: 2
RB: 1
RD: 15
RF: 7
Ri: 9
R0: 27
Skip S-box: False
CP solver: ortools
No. of threads: 8
Time limit: 3600
Elapsed time: 6.29 seconds
Distinguisher parameters:
Length of distinguisher: 15
Variant: 02
Ri: 9
R0: 27
Tweakey cells that are active at most 02 times:
Max number of involved tweakey cells in key recovery: 24
As can be seen, it takes about 6 seconds to find the attack. You can run latexmk -pdf ./output.tex
to get the shape of the attack in pdf
format as follows.
Note that the above model does not include the partial-sum technique.
The advnatge of the above model is that it is quite fast.
In the next section we show how to use our CP-based model for the partial-sum technique.
It is possible to combine the CP model of partial-sum techique with the above model to find a complete attack considering the partial-sum technique, or use the partial-sum technique as a standalone module.
Given an integral distinguisher for Skinny, as obtained in the previous section, we can now optimize the order of partial-sum guessing. It’s important to note that our CP models, including the distinguisher and partial-sum optimizations, can be combined into a unified CP model, which we have successfully created. However, our tool is modular, allowing the distinguisher and key recovery parts to be used separately. In this section, we demonstrate the usage of the key recovery part as a standalone module for simplicity.
Navigate into this folder and run the following example command:
python3 1 18 15 5 4 9 32
The parameter of this tool are in order
tweakey_setting: Specify version of Skinny used
final_round: Final round of the key recovery
start_round: Start round of the key recovery
tweakey_cell: Specify which tweakey cell is controlled by the attacker
balanced_cell: Specify the balanced cell from the output of the distinguisher
input_active: Specify how many cell are active at the input of the distinguisher
scale: Scale the time complexity, must be used since many solver only support limited data types
s [STEPS], --steps [STEPS] Specify the maximum number of steps, default are the involved subtweakey cells
This tool derives the order of guessing the sub-tweakeys in the partial-sum techinque, and
saves the output in a json file. For example, the above command saves the output in 1_18_15_5_4_9.json
In order to visualize the partial-sum technique, we can use the following command.
python3 1_18_15_5_4_9.json -n -p
The parameter of this tool are in order
-c, --color Use different color for every step
-s, --steps Visualize each step individually
-n, --step-number Put the step number in each cell except the stk
-m, --memory Mark which states have to be stored in memory
-p, --pdf Run latex and output pdf
input: json file with key guess order (output of autopsy2)
This tool outputs a latex file. With the -p
option, it also runs latexmk to generate a pdf file (see python3 --help
for more details). The above example leads to the following figure.
In this section, we provide examples of searching for ID/ZC distinguishers for different ciphers.
Let’s say we are looking for an ID distinguisher for
15 rounds of SKINNY-64-128 in the related-tweakey setting.
With only specifying the length of the distinguisher, i.e., RD
, we can find the distinguisher as follows.
navigate into this folder and run the following command:
python3 -v 2 -RD 15
The switch -v
specifies the variant of SKINNY (see python3 attack --help
), and the switch -RD
specifies the length of the distinguisher.
The following output shows the result of running the above command:
Searching for an attack with the following parameters
Variant: 2
Cell size: 4
RB: 0
RD: 15
RF: 0
Rzero: 0
Rone: 0
Skip S-box: True
Related-Tweakey: True
CP solver: ortools
No. of threads: 8
Time limit: 4000
Elapsed time: 34.51 seconds
Generating the MILP model ...
MILP model was written into 50d3d88e-1de5-471d-af1e-ae9f81cc44f2.lp
Set parameter Username
Academic license - for non-commercial use only - expires 2024-06-10
Read LP format model from file 50d3d88e-1de5-471d-af1e-ae9f81cc44f2.lp
Reading time = 0.01 seconds
: 4627 rows, 2400 columns, 11064 nonzeros
Set parameter TimeLimit to value 4000
Set parameter PoolSearchMode to value 2
Set parameter PoolSolutions to value 2000000000
Elapsed time: 0.01 seconds
Number of solutions: 15
Distinguisher parameters:
Length of distinguisher: 15
Variant: 02
Rzero: 0
Rone: 0
Contradiction happens in the following rounds: [7, 8, 9]
Number of distinguishers: 15
As can be seen, our tool enumerates the number of ordinary ID distinguishers within the cluster of identified (truncated) ID distinguisher. We ran the above command on a laptop with an Intel Corei7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz
and it took about 34 seconds when using Or-Tools
as the solver in multi-thread mode utilizing 8 threads on our laptop.
Our tool also generates the output.tex
file which contains the shape of the attack in Tikz
format. We can compile it using latexmk
to get the shape of the attack in pdf
latexmk -pdf output.tex
Let’s say we are looking for an ID distinguisher for 18 rounds of ForkSKINNY-128-256 in the related-tweakey setting. Navigate into this folder and run the following command:
python3 -v 2 -cs 8 -RD 18 -Ri 10 -R0 17
In the above command, the switch -cs
specifies the cell size, the switch -Ri
specifies the number of rounds before the fork point and
specifies the number of rounds in the branch after the fork point.
The following output shows the result of running the above command:
Searching for an attack with the following parameters
Variant: 2
Cell size: 8
RB: 0
RD: 18
RF: 0
Ri: 10
R0: 17
Skip S-box: True
Related-Tweakey: True
CP solver: ortools
No. of threads: 8
Time limit: 4000
Elapsed time: 43.86 seconds
Generating the MILP model ...
MILP model was written into 787f5f64-4aba-4988-b80a-b9cdf8c085e8.lp
Set parameter Username
Academic license - for non-commercial use only - expires 2024-06-10
Read LP format model from file 787f5f64-4aba-4988-b80a-b9cdf8c085e8.lp
Reading time = 0.03 seconds
: 20848 rows, 11200 columns, 49488 nonzeros
Set parameter TimeLimit to value 4000
Set parameter PoolSearchMode to value 2
Set parameter PoolSolutions to value 2000000000
Elapsed time: 0.05 seconds
Number of solutions: 15
Distinguisher parameters:
Length of distinguisher: 18
Variant: 02
Ri: 10
R0: 17
Contradiction happens in the following rounds: [8]
Number of distinguishers: 15
As can be seen, it takes about 44 seconds running on a regular laptop.
Run latexmk -pdf ./output.tex
to see the shape of the distinguisher in pdf
Assume that we want to search for ZC distinguishers for 6 rounds of PRESENT. Navigate into this folder and run the following command:
python3 -RD 6
The following output shows the result of running the above command:
Searching for a distinguisher for 6 rounds of PRESENT ...
Time used to find a distinguisher: 1.56 seconds
Attack summary:
Setting: RD: 6
Contradiction locations: [(3, 53), (3, 55), (3, 61), (3, 63)]
Number of non-fixed input bits: 0
Number of non-fixed output bits: 0
As can be seen, it takes about 1.56 seconds running on a regular laptop. Run latexmk -pdf ./output.tex
to see the shape of the distinguisher in pdf
Suppose that we aim to search for ZC distinguishers for 5 rounds of Ascon. Navigate into this folder and run the following command:
python3 -RD 5
The following field shows the output of running the above command:
Searching for a distinguisher for 5 rounds of Ascon ...
Time used to find a distinguisher: 402.05 seconds
Attack summary:
Setting: RD: 5
input[0] = ?0000??0?0???00????0?????0000000?0?0?00??01?000?00?0??0??000???0;
input[1] = ?0000??0?0???00????0?????0000000?0?0?00??00?000?00?0??0??000???0;
input[2] = ?0000??0?0???00????0?????0000000?0?0?00??00?000?00?0??0??000???0;
input[3] = ?0000??0?0???00????0?????0000000?0?0?00??01?000?00?0??0??000???0;
input[4] = ?0000??0?0???00????0?????0000000?0?0?00??01?000?00?0??0??000???0;
output[0] = 0000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
output[1] = 0000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
output[2] = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
output[3] = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
output[4] = 0000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
Number of non-fixed input bits: 155
Number of non-fixed output bits: 0
As can be seen, it takes about 7 minutes running on a regular laptop. Run latexmk -pdf ./output.tex
to see the shape of the distinguisher in pdf
Here we provide an example of searching for a complete ID attack.
Let’s say we are looking for a complete ID attack for 32 rounds of ForkSKINNY-64-192 in the related-tweakey setting. Navigate into this folder and run the following command:
python3 -v 3 -cs 4 -RB 5 -RD 22 -RF 5 -Ri 11 -R0 15
In the above command, -v
specifies the variant of SKINNY, -cs
specifies the cell size -RD
is the number of rounds for distinguisher, and -RB
, and -RF
are the number of key recovery rounds before and after the distinguisher, respectively.
The switch -Ri
specifies the number of rounds before the fork point and -R0
specifies the number of rounds in the first branch after the fork point (see python3 attack --help
for more details).
The following field shows the output of running the above command on a regular laptop with an 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1165G7 @ 2.80GHz
CPU and 16GB of RAM:
Searching for an attack with the following parameters
Variant: 3
Cell size: 4
RB: 5
RD: 22
RF: 5
Ri: 11
R0: 15
Skip S-box: True
Related-Tweakey: True
CP solver: ortools
No. of threads: 8
Time limit: 4000
Elapsed time: 441.53 seconds
Generating the MILP model ...
MILP model was written into 95c5b170-e557-4949-89af-06ab790b4965.lp
Set parameter Username
Academic license - for non-commercial use only - expires 2024-06-10
Read LP format model from file 95c5b170-e557-4949-89af-06ab790b4965.lp
Reading time = 0.02 seconds
: 24699 rows, 10528 columns, 74836 nonzeros
Set parameter TimeLimit to value 4000
Set parameter PoolSearchMode to value 2
Set parameter PoolSolutions to value 2000000000
Elapsed time: 0.34 seconds
Number of solutions: 15
Attack parameters:
#Attacked rounds = 32
RB + RD + RF = 05 + 22 + 05 = 32
Ri = 11
R0 = 15
Variant = 03
Cell size = 04
data_complexity[0] = 58.00
data_complexity[1] = 64.00
data_complexity[2] = 58.00
data_complexity[3] = 65.00
g = 012
log2(g) - 0.53 = 4.00
t_complexity[0] = 65.00
t_complexity[1] = 116.00
t_complexity[2] = 180.00
t_complexity[3] = 180.00
#involved key cells = 44
CB = 12
CF = 16
WB = 13
WF = 16
time complexity = 180.00
data_complexity = 64.00
memory complexity = 116.00
Number of distinguishers: 15
As seen, it takes about 7 minutes on a regular laptop to find the complete attack.
After successfully running the above command, we run latexmk -pdf ./output.tex
to get the shape of the attack in pdf
format as follows:
To see the details about our method, please refer to our paper. We present this work in FSE 2024:
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to open an issue in this repository or reach out to Hosein Hadipour directly.
The solvers used in this tool are not entirely deterministic and may generate different outputs based on the configuration of the host machine. In addition, the same problem can have multiple optimal solutions.
Please note that we have only verified the attacks documented in our paper. Therefore, it is essential to thoroughly review and validate any output of the tool before making claims related to our paper. We hope this tool is useful for the community.
If you use our tool in your work, please acknowledge it by citing our paper:
author = {Hosein Hadipour and
Simon Gerhalter and
Sadegh Sadeghi and
Maria Eichlseder},
title = {Improved Search for Integral, Impossible-Differential and Zero-Correlation Attacks: Application to {Ascon}, {ForkSKINNY}, {SKINNY}, {MANTIS}, {PRESENT} and {QARMAv2}},
journal = {IACR Trans. Symmetric Cryptol.},
volume = {2024},
number = {1},
year = {2024},
pages = {234-325},
doi = {10.46586/tosc.v2024.i1.234-325}
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.